My Apprenticeship Journey

Hello everyone! I’m Kate, the marketing apprentice here at Positive Footprints. Seeing as this week is National Apprenticeship Week, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to properly introduce myself and tell you all about my apprenticeship journey so far!  The Beginning of my Apprenticeship Journey All journeys have a beginning. Mine happens to […]

Was The Greatest Showman’s Success Always Written In The Stars?

Write Your Stars

You know the movie, you’ve sung the songs but did you know that The Greatest Showman didn’t have the best start when it was released? Critical Critics The Telegraph awarded the movie two stars and described it as “being completely and utterly bibbly bibbly quack-quack insane”. The Evening Standard described the movie as being “a load of big […]

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

children celebrating graduating from the raising aspiration programme

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a lifelong question that’s always asked and there is always an answer. By using career exploration kids are being opened up to the world of work from as young as seven. Keep reading to find out how children use career exploration throughout their development. […]

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